Monday, December 25, 2023

December 25, 2023

Visualize your path in Antigua Guatemala or in Germany and ask yoursel the question:
What are the most importan things for you ?? Make a list !! 

A good life is the collection of happy moments and Hapiness is enjoying the little things in life. (La felicidad son los pequeños momentos que se comparten con la familia y los amigos.)

If your decision is either Germany or Guatemala YOU have to work to pay the bills.

  • Short-term goal. Find a Job to pay the bills and start saving money. Find a place to stay and live
  • Medium-term goal. Have a car and music controller to make music

Friday, October 13, 2023

Plans in the future

Back to Guate to apply for Jobseeker-Visa and stay more than 6 months in Germany. Feel so good having plans in the future.

Schweizer Alpen, Switzerland

Konstanz, Germany

Amsterdam, Ruben Admiraal

München, Kathi Running 2023

Esslingen 2023

Mahlzeit - Esslingen

Dornbirn, Austria

Hauptbahnhof, München

Hermanas Fontana, Suiza

Rheinfall, Suiza


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sonntag dem 23. Juli

November 2022 - Juli 2023 : 8 Monate Arbeitlos in Guatemala ...

Podcast: 373
. Duelo migratorio. - Ni de aquí, ni de allá - 
{Nutrir los vínculos a distancia}
{No comparar}
{Diferencia: algo que nos nutre y nos complementa}

Telefonieren mi Larissa auf der Schweiz. Gespräch auf Deutsch 

Encuentro con mi amiga: Céline Elise. Psicologa y Terapeuta de Belgica. Flat-white O'clock 

Book: Atomic habits.- James Clear

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


1) No te compares con NADIE
2) Toma grandes riesgos
3) Exposicion a la realidad.  La realidad es que la vida es dificil y NADIE te ayudará a resolver tus problemas. Tus padres o el gobierno no pueden ayudarte. Cuando asumas el 100% de responsabilidad de tu vida, mas exitos tendrás.
4) Necesitas un entrenador. Alguien que te - Inspire y desafie - . Alguien que te ayude a crecer en ti. Personas que han logrado lo que quieres lograr.
5) Se un lider motivador
6) El exito es un mal maestro
7) Sigue aprendiendo
8) Toma acción !!!!
9) Forma asociaciones
10) Tu cliente mas insatisfecho es tu mayor fuente de aprendisaje

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Summary of my thoughts and events July 2023

* Live with my brother (Julio) and sister (Claudia) - I do not like it !!!! 

* November 2022 - July 2023 and I still do not have a Job / Business / Making more money

* We are sociable beings - Somos seres sociables (be careful with the persons who you are spending time)

* Terapia with Regina Villagran 06,07.2023

* Running for Tech - Running race to collect money for education purpose 

* Keep watching movies ( Filmoteca)

* Keep doing exercise (run at least 3 times per week)

* Habitos para sentirse pleno. ¿en donde me siento pleno? ¿En que lugar me siento pleno?

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Be careful what you wish for

*** Buscar un sitio donde se tenga mucha paz para escribir los deseos. 

*** Visualiza hacia a donde vas y abraza el sentimiento ------>

Book recommended: The Secret .- Rhonda Byrne
Psicologia del dinero y del exito - Soñar despiertos -

Elevar tu propia energía (frecuencias y vibraciones), - Mente Millonaria -

- Tu mundo interior  es el reflejo de tu mundo exterior - 

Encuentro con Lucas de España en Antigua. 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Mexico 2017

Traveling in Mexico for two months, 2017

Mexico City, Puebla, Oaxaca, Puerto Escondido, Zipolite, Cancun, Tulum, Islas Mujeres, Bacalar, Chichen Itza, Merida

Chicken Itza

Rio Lagartos


Sunday, February 19, 2023

Willkommen 2023

My first post in 2023. It is already February and I did not write down my thoughts yet.
Since January I am living again with my brother and sister in small apartment.
Reason: In November 2022 the current "manager" kick me off.
It was a very nice job because I was working from home (WFH) and I learned something very true;
The Jobs oder die Arbeitnehmmer von einer Firma are not secure !

I see some possible scenarios in my life:

- Keep learning the german language until B2 Zertifikat schaffen kann
  (B2 für eine Ausbildung, C1 ein Master auf Deutsch in Deutschland studieren)
- Obtain the programming language certification (Java / Python) ** research the market **
- Start the Nachhaltig GTM Tour (Antigua, Atitlan and Paredon) online
- Training and go to Europe to do my first halb-marathon en Berlin (February, Marz, April, Mai)
- Master degree in Mexico, Costa Rica o España
- Django REST API  and React to build APP  
- Mix Music (become a DJ. A Dj's Job is to bring energy to an event, getting people engaged in the music)

Year: 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 =~ Piece of land and business is already working ...