Friday, December 18, 2020

November and December 2020

November 1.11.2020

Mein letztes Dreißigjährige sind fast schon vorbei. Ping-Pong, Tacos y Tequila im Schwabing, München gefeiert. Jetzt bin ich neununddreißig Jahre alt, genau ! 

Seit ich mit dem Mentoring-Partnership Stadt München teilnehme, würde ich sagen, Gott sei Dank dass ich  endlich mich unterstütz habe. Tanja, meine Mentoring und ich haben mit der richtig Bewerben und Jobsuche in Deutschland angefangen und sehr bald mich für Vorstellungsgespräche eingeladen wird. Bevor habe ich in 5 Monate (Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober und November) mehr als einhundertelf Absagen bekommen

der Drehstuhl, der in München spazieren geht

Unsere erste Virtuell Deutschunterricht Meeting !

Monday, October 12, 2020

im Herbst 🍁🍂

My room and volunteer work in Munich 

Cold weather started already on October between 5 and 7 grades 🥶❄ in autumn

One of my favorites places in Munich, Alte Utting,_1950)

Monday, September 14, 2020

Berufliche FortbildungsZentren in München

The day when I leave the pueblo Altötting and I moved to the north of Munich. Two big luggages and my backpack to work - Home Office - due to the Pandemie, Corona-Virus.
Furnish shared apartment and private room with its balcony.

Many thanks to Patty, a Colombian woman living in Mühldorf to let me use her bicycle, lend me use the mattress and the oral support in this two months - February and March - in Altötting with this turkish "friend"

Meet-ups in Internet to meet new people. - Copas y Sonrisas - and start to build circle of acquaintances and future friends. 

In September I started a new German class by BFZ (Berufliche FortbildungsZentren) focus to get
the B2 TELC certificated language.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Job Hunting

We always need someone who can "yield" us or talk to us strong things. 

It helps a lot to focus and keeping working in hard times, specially in my current position trying to hunt a Job in Munich !

- 4 effective hours Job Hunting

- Do exercise 

- Make contacts and socialized

- Do not to be distracted for parties or women

- Try to master self-discipline 

27th August, 2020.- Munich

Monday, May 18, 2020

El 18 de mayo

Personalmente para mi es una fecha muy importante porque es la fecha de la inaguracion del laboratorio de computación que gestioné en su momento que me ha llevado al recorrido de este camino en la vida.

Ya son 7 valiosos años transcurridos 

Monday, May 11, 2020

das Jahr zweitausendzwanzig 2020

Back to Germany in winter with a lot of cold and sadness 

The villagers are only acting and making the show pretending to help you

Alone! Without real physical friends and the emotions are under my knees

Bavarian conection does not exist ! 

Corona-Virus came to stay and wants to clean the world

Two, cero, two, cero, and no one here is a hero !

1st April, 2020.- Munich

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The last decade (2010-2019)

Reading a article from my friend, I got the idea to write too:
"10 things from the last decade (2010-2019)"

1. In 2010 I came back from Germany to Guatemala after my Intership
2. Exactly 9 years from today (12.02.2020) when I am writting this article (12  February 2011 ) we founded an beautiful apartment in Antigua Guatemala with Simone, Carlos (el chero) and I
3. Charlie and I went to Nicaragua for new years eve
4. (2013) I got an award from Niños de Guatemala(NDG) & Edulibre and actually there is a plaque of my name in one of the NDG schools (Ciudad Vieja). I was in Noruega that time.
5.  (2015) My first traveled alone to Europe (NL, Belgium, Germany)
6.  (2016) Jeroen and I traveled to Cuba in November
7.  (2017) I traveled for two months in Mexico
8.  Traveled to Montreal, Canada to visit my friend Charlie
9.  Started my first IT software job at CTS in Burgkirchen, Bayern - Germany
10. August 2019, I made my german driving licence